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Learn moreNaming Legacy in your Will is a powerful way to honour and make a lasting tribute to the heroic men and women who gave their lives in service to our country.
By leaving a gift in your Will to Legacy, we can continue our vital work and provide the financial, social, and developmental support our veterans’ families depend on each day.
A gift in your Will to Legacy is a special way to remember the fallen and care for the living.
Your generosity means Legacy can be there for veterans’ families when their loved one no longer can.
Nationally, Legacy receives less than one percent of its funds from government and relies on the support and generosity of the public to help us keep the promise to always look after those left behind.
You can leave a bequest to the national entity (Legacy Australia Incorporated) for the benefit of all Clubs nationally, or you may leave a bequest to the local Legacy Club in your area.
As a guide, Legacy recommends the following wording for general bequests:
OR ‘I give sum of/percentage* (the actual amount should be written in words and in numbers) to <Legacy Australia or insert Legacy Club name and ABN> for its general purposes (or specific purposes) of such fund and the receipt of any one of the Directors for the time being of such fund shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.’ *delete whichever is inapplicable
Legacy Clubs of Australia ABN numbers
Please click here for a list of Legacy Club names and ABNs.
If you’re thinking about leaving a gift to Legacy in your will, our friendly team is here to help. To contact your local Legacy Club, please use the form below or call (02) 8333 0600.
You have the option to donate to your local Legacy Club, or Legacy Australia.