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The Beckwith Family

My husband Pete died of a brain tumour, received from radiation, at the age of 29 years.

Once the malignant tumour was diagnosed, our lives were filled with utter despair. We had one brief period of remission, but he gradually deteriorated. Of course, I gave up work to nurse Pete while he died, and it was a long and torturous experience for us all. Not only did I have to cope with nursing Pete, but I also had to cope with our two small children and the confusion and despair they experienced.

The last six months were particularly bad. There was no hope for Pete, and it was all I could do to hold it together for his sake. I wept bitterly for Pete, for myself, but above all for our children, William and Ella.

To make matters worse, it has been a battle to get compensation for Pete’s death, but I am still trying, for all our sakes.

Before he passed, Pete told me to contact Legacy. From the first time I called them, they have been magnificent. Legacy took care of our desperate financial situation straight away. More than that, they gave us some stability and hope at the time we were the most vulnerable. I know Legacy will always be there for us.