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South Australia and Broken Hill Legacy

The Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill is dedicated to caring for the families of deceased and seriously injured veterans.

About Us

The Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill currently supports:

2,736 Beneficiaries

109 Children

61 People with a disability

Supported By:

328 Legatees

Legacy Members (Legatees)

Legacy relies heavily on our Legatees who are members of Legacy and tirelessly volunteer their time to support Legacy’s vision and mission.

Legacy services and support is primarily delivered throughout South Australia and Broken Hill by Legatees, who through personal effort, ensure that, the Legacy Vision, no dependant of a veteran suffers financial or social disadvantage as a result of their loved ones’ death or injury from service is upheld.

In the past, Legatees were ex-servicemen, however today men and women of demonstrated high personal standards who share the ideals and obligations of Legacy, may be invited to become a Legatee. Legatees are formed within suburban Sections and in the country regions there are Legacy Groups. The Sections and Groups operate virtually autonomously, supported by a centralised headquarters at Legacy House in Franklin Street, Adelaide.

Legacy’s structure recognises that while Legacy support is coordinated centrally, it is best delivered locally by local Legatees, that is why it is critical that Legacy maintains a Legatee force of sufficient numbers so that it can effectively meet its vision to provide personal, local support to its widows and families. Legatees are backed up by professional and qualified Community Service team located in the Adelaide headquarters.

Interested in becoming a Legatee, please call 8231 9812 or email [email protected] to further discuss.

Leadership Team

Following the AGM held on Thursday 28 September 2023, the appointment of Deputy Chair, Vice President, and subsequent Board Members, the Board of the Legacy Club South Australia & Broken Hill is:


The Hon Graham Ingerson



Heather Willis

Deputy Chair, Vice President


Robert Eley CSC




Meredith Wyles

Vice President



Geoff Banks



Chris Burns CSC

Board Director


Peter Lehman

Board Director


Kerryn Smith, CEO

Public Officer



Board Committees

Club Membership Committee
Beneficiaries Committee
Finance Audit and Risk Committee
Fundraising and Events Committee
Chair: Legatee Chris Burns
Chair: Legatee Heather Willis
Deputy: Legatee Sue Moorhead
Chair: Legatee Geoff Banks
Chair: Legatee Graham Ingerson
Legatee Cathy Teager

Legatee Nick Arbon

Legatee Mark Bourchier

Legatee Bob Willis

Legatee Graeme Gatley

Legatee Meredith Wyles

Legatee Meredith Wyles

Legatee Pam Pratt

Legatee Keith Bleechmore

Legatee Graham Ingerson

Legatee Cathy Teager

Legatee Alan Hill

Legatee Graham Baird

Legatee Peter Lehman

Legatee Cathy Teager

Legatee Steve Twelftree

Legatee Roger Wills

Legatee Jim Rayner


ACNC Charity Register

Legacy Club of South Australia & Broken Hill Inc (ABN 48 827 750 273) is a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI), registered for the GST and endorsed as a Gift Deductible Recipient and Income Tax Exempt Charity.