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Warrnambool Legacy

Warrnambool Legacy Club Inc. received their Charter in September 1947.  The Warrnambool Legacy Club Inc. office is situated in Warrnambool in the South West of Victoria covering three municipal areas.  The Club supports 200 widows and dependents.

About Us

Club History

Warrnambool Legacy Club received their Charter in September 1947.  The Warrnambool Legacy Club office is situated in Warrnambool in the South West of Victoria covering three municipal areas.  The Club supports 200 families.

Warrnambool Legacy Club members are dedicated to the care of deceased and incapacitated veterans’ widows and families.

Forty-two (42) active members provide this care and support by home, hospital, residential care visits.  Phone calls and social activities ensure that recipients are not socially isolated and in turn all welfare needs are met in a timely manner.

This would not be possible without the support from the community and local businesses. This is self-evident during Legacy Week when volunteers and Legatees join forces to engage with the community in our annual fundraising event for Warrnambool Legacy.

Legacy Members (Legatees)

The Warrnambool Legacy Club Inc. active members at forty-two (42) with five (5) on reserve, in total 47 Legacy Members.

Leadership Team

To be advised new Board member and Committee elect after next AGM.

Morris, Charmian


O'Brien, Pam


Morris, Ian


Nevill, Gavan

Welfare Secretary

Reid, Christine


Affleck, James

Bulletin Editor

Reid, Bernie

Welfare Chair

Social activities include hospital and home visits particularly on birthdays and Christmas. Annual functions and special events e.g. annual widows’ luncheons, area ‘get togethers’, bus trips, DVD days, and a twice yearly newsletter.

Legatees supported by our Pension Officer ensures that our beneficiaries receive their appropriate entitlements.  When necessary, Junior Legatees have been assisted with their education.

Personal development is achieved by hosting the Annual Junior Public Speaking competition. Positive feedback has always been received from schools and those who participate.

  • Social
  • Opportunities
  • Personal Development

List of all other services connected to our club:

  • Advocacy for Pensions and Welfare
  • Widows’ Laurel Clubs in Warrnambool and Camperdown
  • Widows’ Annual Luncheons, excursions, social events and meetings

ACNC Charity Register

The Warrnambool Legacy Club Inc. link to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission web site here.